
BU.G.S. / 12 2014 – 05 2016 / DG EMPL, Europe 2020: Employment policies Sectorial Employment Challenges, Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills, Mobility and Employment Service

In line with the transition towards a green, low carbon and resource efficient economy and in order to respond to the increasing demand of green skills in the construction sector, the implementation of the BU.G.S. action will gain some crucial outcomes.

VET4ALL / 10 2013 – 09 2015 / LLP Leonardo da Vinci

The project VET4ALL – Development of a training path for European Furniture Experts in Designing and Manufacturing of AAL Integrated Furniture for the Care and Support of Elderly and Disabled People.

ISO-CONSTRUCT / 10 2013 - 09 2015 / LLP LdV

ISO CONSTRUCT“ – Validation of competences of unskilled workers in the construction sector applying ISO 17024 standards.

Q-PLM / 10 2013 - 09 2015 / LLP LdV

Before the background of the quality indicators recommended by the EQARF framework as well as the CQAF (Common Quality Assurance Framework) the Q-PLM project aims at the development of an innovative instrument for product quality assurance for VET providers based on the methods of Product Lifecycle Management.

EMCOSU / 10 2012 - 03 2015 / LLP (Erasmus)

The main project objectives and results of the project Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector Organisations and Universities - EMCOSU are comparative state-of-the-art survey, analysis and integrative report on the status of cooperation between employers and HEI institutions in selected countries and EU.

MEET Change / 10 2012 - 10 2014 / LLP (Grundtvig)

The project MEET Change – Motivating Elderly Employees for Training and Change responds to the challenge of an ageing population by improving the accessibility of educational programmes for this target group at company level.

Know ME / 12 2012 - 12 2013 / DG Employment (Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations)

The “new” EU member states are faced more strongly with demographic change and an ageing workface.

SODICO / 08 2012 - 08 2013 / DG Employment (Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations)

The project Post-crisis Social Dialogue in the Construction Sector (SODICO) aims at a better anticipation, preparation and management of change and restructuring in the construction sector, better adaptation of social dialogue in the construction sector to changes in employment and work and at strengthening the role of social partners and tripartite cooperation in the construction sector.

KoCKE / 01 2011 – 06 2013 / Slovenian Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund

Human resources are of highest importance in the chemical industry.

ICM-SSME / 03 2012 - 11 2012 / DG Enterprise

The objective of the project Improving Claims Management in Slovenian SME Engaging in Intra-EU Trade was to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Slovenia to optimise their business procedures by providing information.