To achieve them, InnoHPC will, first, conduct a focused regional HPC benchmark, second, design and create a transnational InnoHPC Lab, third, develop HPC web platform providing HPC access and capacity-building tools and finally, pilot-test InnoHPC Lab and the platform with two pilots with SMEs in electronic and automotive sectors. InnoHPC targets SMEs and clusters, providing the opportunity to increase efficiency of innovations and join transnational value-chains in the Danube region. Higher education and research institutions with HPC will get access to exciting real-life cases and opportunities to exploit their entrepreneurial potential. Policy-makers and business support organizations will receive a valuable institutional support for their policies and initiatives.
InnoHPC project is a pioneering effort to improve framework conditions for innovation by providing unique institutional and technological infrastructure, designed specifically to pool and exploit HPC infrastructure on a transnational level.
For more information follow this link or contact Marko Bohar at the Association of Electrical and Electronical Industry.