In the construction sector, there are special features that characterize it: high mobility of workforce among EU countries due to higher salaries and better working conditions across EU, the employers' need for highly skilled sectoral staff profiles, and project based employment. Proper awareness of sectoral skills being acquired through different VET systems in EU countries on 4th EQF level and correspondent NQFs is crucial for enhancing the mobility of pupils as well as employees. The strong need expressed by the construction employers to hire skilled construction workers profiles from different EU countries is a reflection of the non-unified sectoral VET. Sectoral stakeholders are benefitting from the involvement in EU single labour market, but the recognition of the workers' skill gaps and skills acquired through VET is an ever-increasing problem. Analysis of country specific skill gaps and identification of common sectoral skill needs is the key step for the establishment of more homogenious and comparable sectoral curriculums and courses at the 4th EQF level. The SKILLCO project aims at identifying common sectoral skill gaps by analyzing different national and EU sources and data bases, identifying 4 common skill needs (one from the field of valuable vanishing sectoral skill and one green skill), and developing 2 common sectoral (European) Modules: curricula learning unit (module A) for pupils and practical trainings (module B) for workers. Modules are planned to be accredited, validated, presented and if possible transferred in project participating European countries VET systems and beyond. The project emphasis is also put on the transfer of vanishing valuable skills from experienced construction workers to young trainees by acrhiving and disseminating them. The project key outcomes are the development of 2 VET Modules (A and B), and their final implementation. Both 2 Modules will be supported by a mobile app training tool developed in the SKILLCO project. LEAD PARTNER: CCIS CCBMIS Other partners: 7 CONTACT PERSON: Valentina Kuzma ( cosultant, CCIS CCBMIS (