
BU.G.S. / 12 2014 – 05 2016 / DG EMPL, Europe 2020: Employment policies Sectorial Employment Challenges, Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills, Mobility and Employment Service

In line with the transition towards a green, low carbon and resource efficient economy and in order to respond to the increasing demand of green skills in the construction sector, the implementation of the BU.G.S. action will gain some crucial outcomes , such as:- the enhancement of green skills job creation potential: the whole project will be focused on tools and strategies useful to boost the potential of green skills and the impact they could have on labour market and competitiveness of individuals
- an updated monitoring of green skills gap: activities will be carried out in order to provide a tool based on a methodology which will allow to monitor the green skills mismatches at local, regional or national level and to adopt measures to remove gaps and improve the greening of the construction sector
- cooperation between private and public actors: the project implementation will involve public and private entities (companies, chambers of commerce, Regions, etc.), in order to encourage common strategies and initiatives to fill the gap of green skills between labour supply and demand in the Construction sector.
- support to the training systems and employment services: the whole project will be focused indeed on tools and methods to train people with high, intermediate and low skilled profiles in terms of green skills in the construction field; these measures will enable to increase job opportunities of workers or job seekers providing useful means to employment services and sector trainers.
- promotion of integrated strategies of environmental and employment policies: the cooperation among different countries, such as Italy, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria will allow a comparison among strategy and policy frameworks and will stimulate new approaches to be promoted and adopted for strategies which integrate the environmental priorities and the employment urges.

For more information please contact: Valentina Kuzma at Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia - CCBMIS at CCIS.
