

InTraRed (Erasmus+, KA2, 10/2019 - 09/2021)


Project aim

The InTraRed project aims to foster the innovation management within SMEs through the building of new learning partnerships between the world of work and the world of VET provision.

Project Overview

After years of economic and political crisis, resilient economic growth has returned to Europe, unemployment is falling and Europe is ready to set the foundations for its future. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs are crucial for identifying new avenues to more sustainable and inclusive growth because of their twin roles in creating and diffusing innovation and providing employment.

VET providers are the key educational bridge between education and SMEs, and the InTraRed project will focus on building robust and sustainable learning partnerships between both sectors in pursuit of excellence in innovation management. VET providers are best placed to develop and implement the bespoke resources necessary to support this rapidly developing area.

Project Objectives

The InTraRed project will look at building the innovation management of SMEs through active engagement with VET professionals. VET providers are the key educational bridge between SMEs and education. There is often a fragmentation in the innovation management process within companies and the onus is on VET providers as key education stakeholders to address it. In response to this fragmentation the InTraRed project will develop and provide:

  • a blended innovation management curriculum for SMEs that recognises the time and human resources available within SMEs
  • an in-service training programme for VET professionals to support them in delivering the new curriculum resources and coaching SMEs through the innovation management process.
  • an observatory of best practice to understand the meaning of innovation and disruption, and learn about what kind of people lead innovation in today’s business world across each partner country
  • a dynamic online platform that facilitates mobile, on-demand learning and a thought provoking policy paper on the theme of innovation in the age of disruption informed by the project's implementation activities.



Project website:

Contact person: 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2019-1-EL01-KA202-062953]
