

TYCON; 10/2018 – 9/20; ERASMUS+ (KA2)

There is a growing recognition that entrepreneurship is critical for economic growth and employment and plays a vital role in developing more and/or more able entrepreneurs. The quality of having acquired sufficient entrepreneurial awareness and skills would substantially improve the flexibility and mobility of graduates of secondary VET for future construction professions. However, not everybody possesses the competence to achieve success as an entrepreneur, and furthermore these skills appear hard if not impossible to learn by more traditional training methods.

Most effective approaches to develop entrepreneurship skills involve experiential and task-oriented learning from real business problems. The TYCON project proposes serious games as powerful didactical means for the acquisition of entrepreneurial competences for professional life in a changing and complex society. These learning benefits are enabled by the highly experiential, immersive, just in time and contextual nature of realistic gameplay based on high quality instructional design of learning scenarios. Main project results will be threefold: (1) A dedicated assessment framework for entrepreneurial awareness will be elaborated upon the SOCCES framework; (2) Dedicated education materials: a. An online/mobile serious game for VET students to explore and foster entrepreneurial awareness for the construction sector, and b. An interactive E-book or website for trainers/teachers on how to successfully implement the game in their curriculum; and (3) A common tool and approach for and shared accreditation for the participating countries that will, amongst other long term benefits: Increase transparency and mutual trust between VET systems, provide a Europe-wide training system, Ensure easy access to VET by offering Open Educational Resources, and Promote coherence between the worlds of work and training and decrease youth unemployment.

LEAD PARTNER: Open University of the Netherlands

CONTACT PERSON: Valentina Kuzma - senior consultant (, CCIS CCBMIS (
