

Arhiv: Kick-off Partner Meeting for the project DigiER

The 1st kick-off meeting for the project Digital transborder Entrepreneurship Readiness - DigiER was impelemented online on the 26th and 27th of May 2021. There are 6 partners in the project. The leading partner is Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach from Poland.

Arhiv: The European Software Skills Alliance – driving the growth of software skills in Europe

Arhiv: The European Software Skills Alliance – driving the growth of software skills in Europe

The primary objective of this project is to design and implement a highly innovative, effective and sustainable Software Skills Strategy for Europe that will ensure the skills needs of the rapidly expanding and evolving Software Sector can be met in the short, medium and long term.

Arhiv: Slovenia Business Link Newsletter


The goal of the Strategic Development and Innovative Partnership (SRIP) MATerials for end PROducts (MATPRO) is to join the metallurgy, metal processing and chemical industries with knowledge institutions in the value chains and networks, and to act collectively in finding and developing new, breakthrough products under the slogan "Only together can we be really successful". The objective is to be achieved through targeted cooperation, internationalization support activities, human resources development, sustainable development and entrepreneurship as well as through the sharing of knowledge and resources in the field of materials, where Slovenian companies are already operating successfully. Through the cooperation we want everybody to become even more successful.

Arhiv: Slovenia Business Link Newsletter - December 2016

Arhiv: Slovenia Business Link Newsletter - November 2016

Arhiv: AOP4 water / 01 2011 - 12 2012 / ERA-NET CORNET (9th call)

The project »Reducing fresh water consumption in high water volume consuming industries by recycling AOP-treated effluents« will provide information about water qualities which can be achieved by AOP-treatment and subsequent biological stage.

Arhiv: Know us / 07 2010 – 12 2013 / Cross-border programme Slovenia-Italy

KNOW US is a strategic project of 16 partners from Slovenia and Italy.

Arhiv: iCon / 04 2010 - 03 2013 / Cross-border programme Slovenia-Italy

The aim of the project iCon is to increase the competitiveness of SME in the border region Italy – Slovenia.