

Project DigiER (Erasmus+, KA2, 05/2021 - 04/2023)


Project Title: Digital transborder Entrepreneurship Readiness

Project duration: 01.05.2021 – 30.04.2023

Project budget: 201.966,00 EUR

Project aim

The aim of the project is to raise awareness on effective of digital transborder entrepreneurship among employees of chambers of commerce, regional development agencies, local authorities and centres for entrepreneurship development, but also VET teachers, trainers and mentors.

Project overview

The digital revolution has transformed the way people play, access information, communicate and learn. To meet these challenges this project aims at helping VET providors to use technology in new and innovative ways to support SMEs in digital transborder entrepreneurship readiness. At the same time, we explore possibilities to find new pedagogical ways to tackle 21st century challenges, promote peer learning across education systems transnationally and catalyse the development of indispensable transversal competencies (i.e. problem solving, collaboration and creativity).

The project will be able to offer innovative way for start-ups providing and development. Project will develop tools to offer new information, new knowledge, which will be transferred by ICT tools. We would like to equip the people with knowledge, skills and help them to be able to gather the competences in start-ups detailed issues.

Project results

The results expected for the DigiER project are:

1) Guide on Digital transborder Entrepreneurship strategies in business environment

The DigiER training chapters consist of the following proposed chapters, which are perceived as the most contemporary training module titles to date:

1. Cultural differences in negotiating, signing and respecting contracts among EU countries;

2. Digital tax systems in Europe;

3. AR for eCommerce;

4. eCommerce Marketing Automation;

5. Effective cashless payment methods for business in European countries;

2) DigiER mobile application for entrepreneurs

DigiER mobile app will ensure personalized training pathways by initially testing the knowledge and awareness of digital transborder entrepreneurship among entrepreneurs and startupers. The DigiER mobile application will also elaborate a personalised strategy for the entrepreneurs and startupers to be able to address the weak points and empower its approach to digital transborder entrepreneurship.


Poland (coordinator): Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach

Poland: CWEP - Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiebiorczosci


UK: Civic Computing Limited

Slovenia: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Romania: Camera de Comert si Industrie Bistrita Nasaud


Contact person: Željka Kelkedi,



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: KA226-EFE67C7B]

