

Upp_games; 1/2018 – 12/2019; ERASMUS+ (KA2)

Upp_games, basic health and safety skills on works at height through serious games: comes to continue the work done in a previous project H&S games: serious games on Health and Safety for mobile learning. In this project, an application for mobile devices (APP) was developed to improve the learning of basic skills in H&S, through educational games.

Tackling Health and Safety risks on works at height using open online training tools which allow construction industry workers to acquire autonomous knowledge, skills and competences on occupational risks prevention associated to this type of works:

•             Defining a framework of theoretical and practical learning of the main risks, risks factors and preventive measures for works at height, counting on the trainers, students and experts’ participation from the beginning of its creation.

•             Proposing an innovative educational approach developing, testing and implementing training games through an application for mobile devices (APP).

•             Designing a roadmap that establishes the standards and the necessary steps to recognize the content of the proposed training, in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), guarantying the mutual recognition of the competences in the participant countries. It will be done in accordance with the recommendations of the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).

•             Facilitating the autonomy, exploitation and transfer of learning processes and training over time, even beyond the end of the project’s life cycle, through a complementary methodology that allows the adaptation and improvement of the games created.

The development of products and results in Upp_games will allow workers in the construction industry to easily acquire and/or improve their knowledge and skills in H&S issues, using the new application focused on works at height. The VET providers in construction industry will also benefit since they will be able to modernize their didactic contents with this new tool, better adapted to the each company needs. Besides, VET students, trainees and apprentices in the construction industry will be able to acquire and/or improve new skills adapted to the labour market needs. VET trainers and teachers of the construction industry will have at their disposal an open, clear, dynamic, innovative and easy tool to improve and develop the educational games of the app, adjusting them to the target group in each teaching and training process.

 LEAD PARTNER: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC) (Spain)

CONTACT PERSON: Valentina Kuzma - senior consultant (, CCIS CCBMIS (
