

ISO-CONSTRUCT / 10 2013 - 09 2015 / LLP LdV

ISO CONSTRUCT“ – Validation of competences of unskilled workers in the construction sector applying ISO 17024 standards. The construction sector is however characterized by a huge amount of workforce with only basic competences in construction skills that in many times have been acquired in a non-formal or even informal way. In addition the construction sector lives of a high degree of workforce mobility that makes seasonal developments and reactions possible which are of crucial importance in the sector. Workforce mobility is however often hindered by lack of transparent and comparable competence certification especially when it comes to professions that are below EQF level 3 or lower. This leads to the fact that thousands of workers in the construction sector in Europe do not have any certificate for the competences they own and are therefore clearly suffering from lacking possibilities for workforce mobility. The result of the will be a ISO 17024 based competence certification scheme which leads to internationally transparent and accepted competence certificates for competences acquired in non-formal or informal learning.

For more information please contact Valentina Kuzma at the Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry or visit
