

Arhiv: AOP4 water / 01 2011 - 12 2012 / ERA-NET CORNET (9th call)

The project »Reducing fresh water consumption in high water volume consuming industries by recycling AOP-treated effluents« will provide information about water qualities which can be achieved by AOP-treatment and subsequent biological stage. Knowledge will be available, if and to what extent the efficiency of ozone treatment can be improved by the use of AOP-combinations instead of ozone alone. Focus will be on the (re-)use of the different effluent qualities in the production process. It will be found out, to what extent (re-)use is possible and how this will influence process water and product quality. There will be concepts available for implementing an advanced effluent treatment plant using AOP and for (re-)using the treated effluents. A decision-support tool will simplify selection of technologies for (re-)using treated waste water.

For more information please visit or contact Petra Prebil at the Association of the Textile Industry.
